Simple enough, right? Well, not really.
I mean, it's simple enough for me. An external stimulus has created a feeling like euphoria in me, what you might call a "crush" for lack of a better term. It was nothing intentional, and I fail to see the point in going swimming in know, denial=the Nile. And more to the point, I'm finding it kind of interesting. Conventional wisdom would have everyone believe women my age (whatever THAT means--I'll get back to that) have somehow lost the ability to crush. No one has ever said this to my face, of course (a face young enough looking that I STILL get carded) and I suppose I really am something of an anomaly--independent, unrestricted, no rugrats to help gravity get a grasp of my body. Actually, I spent the last part of my life honing my craft so I could be free as a professional. It's the one gift in life everyone gets a chance to accept or reject. I grabbed the chance.
So right when I least expect it (October 2014) I'm introduced to Barry Allen/Grant Gustin and bam, I'm 25 again with the nerves of a fourteen year old girl. Why? I'm not sure there is a why. I could make a list of what I think are the whys (adorable nerdom somehow made handsome, a winsome character, a sweet personality, ethics and standards, raw emotion...I could go on) but nothing explains that sudden grasp of my attention for reasons that seem...well...metaphysical.
And so what if I was in college when he was born? What's age, really? My chronology might creep up on me but I'm more or less the same me I've been since...?
Okay, deny it I couldn't. I'm hooked on the Flash for these principal reasons. Now it's a question of carrying on without letting on to housemates and friends, which might get tricky. I mean we're all watching it, but if I let the crush thing slip once I'll never hear the end of it. And I am NOT GOOD at hiding what I'm thinking.
Of course sooner or later someone will find this and the proverbial cat will be out of the bag. Well, so what? It's all part of what makes this life worth living. So go ahead and razzle me for it. I think if there weren't something worthwhile to these feelings, I probably wouldn't be having them.
Welcome to the Red Madness!
I might be keeping this blog, but I'm speaking for an army--an army of women who were so busy living life that time crept up on us. Now we're defying time. We're untamed and driven and meeting life's ultimate joke ready to fight. While it appears that older men and younger women make an acceptable combination, the switch around is somehow still odd--and by odd, I mean off-putting and creepy. Societal roles, folks. We can all be as ripe for a good tumble at any age as we ever were. Maybe a few of the logistics change, but raw power and passion are as much a part of being alive as breathing. And don't mix this up with any "cougar" nonsense. Appreciating younger men for the predominant reason that they ARE younger is just demeaning. We won't even be talking about the biological aspects here, anyway. The premise is simpler--older woman plugs back into life through the inspiration of a younger man. So how did I get here THIS time? It's funny how things in life start to line up, almost like objects obeying gravity. I never would have imagined being here yet now that I am here I can't imagine ever having been anyone different. Something new entered my life matrix at just the right time, and now I'm writing about it.
You might think I mean something deep and philosophical. I don't. I get enough deep and philosophical in the rest of my life, thanks. No, this is all about vicarious thrills and shameless fandom and finally allowing myself a little escapism into another fictional world. This is all about a fictional character who seems to be so much of what I've always sought in the male species. I'm not really addressing the actor behind the character so much--after all, I'm not watching his adventures and I know almost nothing about him (although from what I do know, he doesn't seem to be such a bad sort, either). But on the assumption that at least a little of the real person has to come through in the character, I'm sure the actor will get many mentions as well.
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